Hi Dance Families !!!
Lots of news please read all the way to the bottom.
Happy March!! Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather :)
** Tuition is due now, (it is due by the 10th without a late fee)
please take care of your tuition if you have not already.
For those of you who have paid , thank you.
**Spring Break ~ Monday March 18th - Sunday March 24th ~ studio will be closed.
March has 5 Fridays and Saturdays so if you made it to 4 classes you don't need a make-up.
Mon- Thurs classes you will be missing a class feel free to make up that class in any
class at your dancers level.
**I will be out of town Thursday am to Sunday afternoon.
No Subs for my Thursday Friday and Saturday classes
I will teach those classes during spring break I need to work with them
with May right around the corner.
Miss Helene's Classes
Granny Tap will have a sub.
Boys Tap will meet during spring break at 3:30
Adv Ballet 4:30 will meet during spring break
Adv Combo will meet at 6p during spring break
Combo 3yrs will meet during spring break 11a
Adv tap will meet during spring break at 3p
Adv ballet 5:30 will meet during spring break at 5:30
The above classes will not meet this week.
Please ask my if you are confused.
thank you.
**Everyone in the studio will be responsible for a performance fee $20 per family
to help pay for the theater which has become very expensive. I have also put
a performance fee into the account, I believe that is only fair.
Please take care of this by the end of March. * Each family will get two free tickets.
**For Anastasia combo dancers 3-5 yrs old, we have decided to make this easy on you.
They will need a dressy dress, church dress, easter dress, I have seen them out
all over town. If you have a hard time finding a dress see Michelle Ostrom she
has a few websites that have dressy dresses for a reasonable price.
They will be dancing in ballet shoes pink tights.
We will have a princess sash and crown for them the price will be out soon.
**We are performing 2 shows this May ~ "Anastasia" and a variety show, "I can't go a day without dancing"
Rehearsal and performance week at BHS will be May 13-19.
I will let you know what shows are on what dates very soon.
There will also be rehearsal in the studio those dates will also be out soon.
Please feel free to ask us any questions at all we are happy to help.
**We have been deep into rehearsal getting ready for the shows those of you who have soloists
in you families its time to think about paying solo fees. you can get those fees from the front desk
or myself.
**If you would like I have a facebook acct it is a private acct. you get all the information
immediately if you would like to have access to this private account just request me, Helene Belden
and I will add you to this account. Also to check out the current information check out our blog,
I don't want anyone to feel like they are in the dark.
You can always email me at danc4urdreams@yahoo.com
**From here to recital there will be a lot of information out please watch for emails etc...
Thank you for sharing your dancers with me and for all your support.
Thank you so much,
Miss Helene
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