Spring Recital Information
This years performances will be held at BHS Parkers Performing Arts
Combo Dancers(ages 3-5)- Your combo dancers will be performing June 1st and 2nd, Friday 6p and Saturday 6p , you may choose one performance or both.
Whatever works best for your family and you little dancer.
Your dancers are in the beginning so you may bring them 1/2 hour before
the show starts.
Week of May 21st- 26th - Regular Variety Class Schedule
At the Studio....
Monday, May 21st - Adv Ballet 6p
Advanced Dancers only - Act 1 plus Card dance
Starting with production number (Chelsea gone)
through Marche Hare solo...Work on Trial...
All Act one solos... After Run through Fireflies
will have a mandatory rehearsal.
Tuesday , May 22nd - Regular class day
Wednesday, May 23rd - Adv Ballet 6p Adv dancers only - Act 2
From Tea Party - ending (Chelsea Back) Finish Tea party.
Work on Trial...
Thursday, May 24th - Adv Ballet 4:30 Adv Dancers only
Act 1- Marche Hare *** Adult combo and Lyrical will meet
on the weekend
Friday, May 25th - Regular class
Saturday, May 26th - Regular class -Reh Act 1 & 2
Advanced dancers 6p
At the Studio - During this performance and rehearsal week
no regular class unless otherwise requested by your instructor.
Sunday, May 27 - Run Through Act 1 &2 All Dancers 4p
Monday, May 28 - Run Through Act 1 & 2 All Dancers 4p
Monday is memorial day.... this is an extra rehearsal
if you have holiday plans no problem...
Combo dancers, age 3, 4, 5 rehearsal at 4p
Tuesday, May 29th - Variety Show Dress Rehearsal
Wednesday, May 30th - Alice Dress Rehearsal
Combo students ,3,4,5 year olds first!!! 5:30
Thursday, May 31 AT SIMPLY DANCE
Rehearsal TBA either variety or Alice.... 4pm
Seniors at Disneyland!!!
Friday, June 1st at BHS - Performance - Alice
Call time 5p performance time 6pm
Saturday, June 2nd at BHS - Performance- Alice
Call time 5p performance time 6pm
***Formal Pictures by Sierra photography - Ray Hocker
He will be taking photos by appt. ...more info to follow.
Sunday, June 3rd at BHS - Performance- Variety Show
“So Much More Than Dance” 2 performances
Call Time 12:30 Perform 1:30 Call Time 5p Perform 6p
Costume Questions- Please see Michelle Ostrom or your dancer’s instructor.
A list is posted at the studio.
Green Room for Performances-
We will direct you at BHS it is the band room behind the theater.
We ask you not to stand back stage it is small and the noise carries to the audience, it can also be distracting to the dancers performing. Please do not bring juice or soda, water is ok. If you need to bring snacks make sure they are not sticky or greasy. For the younger dancers one of Dads old button up shirts is great to cover up their costumes. The little ones also get antsy so it's ok to bring coloring books or quiet games to keep them occupied while they are waiting. There will also be a TV set up for the kids to watch while they wait.
You can bring a blanket for them to sit on as well. For Alice in Wonderland the combo class dancers may leave after they dance or you can stay and watch the show.
Please have them change out of costume if you stay, dancers in costume in the audience takes away from the "magic" of the production. Thank you.
Tickets, Ads, Dvd's, Formal pictures -
Tickets Available at Simply Dance, Bread of life & Red Rock Books.
Prices- General $10.00 Military, Seniors & Students $8 Children 10 and under $5
All soloists receive 2 tickets free.
Ads- See the front desk to purchase your personal ad. The deadline is MAY 25.
Dvds- We have had quite the time with DVDs our camera broke we will be recording this years performances and will catch up the dvds that are not processed yet. WE hope to have them done by Summer registration.
Formal Pictures- With Sierra photography, Ray Hocker June 2nd
at the studio. He will be sending us order forms with his e-mail and will
set an appt. up for you.
Volunteers Needed-
We can always use you support to make sure the performances.
Thank you in advance for your support. I would also like to thank all of you, for supporting your dancers, bringing them to class every week and for all your encouragement.
If you would like to help you can sign up at the front desk. We need volunteers in the following areas-
**Class parents (you will not miss your child dance you can stand side stage and watch)
**Baked goods for intermission - This will be a fund raiser for studio.
**Collecting Tickets
**Handing out programs
**Helpers for intermission bake sale *Dads for stage crew
Tuition for May-
May will be the last month for tuition, please make sure your tuition
is paid before we are at BHS. Thank you.
If you had a special solo in Alice in Wonderland with private rehearsals
see Margie at the front desk for your tuition.
Summer Program- Summer program will be 6 weeks this year.
Registration for summer will be Tues. June 12 from 4-8p and
Fri. June 15th from 4-8. Registration will take place at the studio.
Auditions for Season 2012- 13
Auditions will take place at the end of August, details will be out during the summer program. All advanced dancers will be eligible to audition plus the dancers that took Ellen Bryant's Tech class this year. We will be performing A Version of the Nutcracker in December, Anastasia and a variety show in the Spring and advanced dancers (HS and College, Adult) will be eligible to audition for special solo from the show of their choice. You must take two ballet classes to have a solo part and stay en pointe. For a lead role
at least 3 ballet classes.
Rules and Theater Etiquette- Very Important
The following is a list of rules to ensure that the whole performance experience is a pleasant one. It takes a lot of patience and coordination
to put on a production with over 200 dancers. If your family has participated for several years keep your eyes open for those new dance families, they could use your support, the first performance can be a little overwhelming. Thank you.
** No flash photography, this can distract the dancers.
**Dancers ! Please pay close attention to the line up and when it is your time to go on. Some dancers have missed their queue because they were playing around and not paying attention.
**NO Video taping, it can be distracting to the audience and especially the dancers, we will be selecting the best footage from all the shows for the DVD.
**If you need to pick up your child after they have danced please wait until intermission or after the dance ends thats on stage. It is courteous to wait, remember the dancers on stage can see you leaving while they are
dancing they have all worked hard for their moment on the stage and it is hard to
watch audience members leaving.
** Please leave all jewelry at home.
**Please put your dancers name on EVERYTHING it will be easier to find missing items after performance. Dance wear is expensive. We keep a lost and found at the theater and then at the studio after performance. If your dancer has more than one dance put their name on the hangers.
**Make-up - For all dancers with the exception of the advanced dancer.
Blush,soft blue or green eye shadow, rosy colored lipstick, mascara and darken the eyebrows if needed.
This is a lot of information but I hope it
will answer most of your questions and keep you well informed
of everything that is going on.
Have a Wonderful performance and thank you so much for
your support this year. All your dancers are amazing !
Miss Helene
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