Good Morning Dance Families !!!
News for you ~
We are closed today there are 5 Mondays in April so we are using
today for Alice rehearsals with our advanced students..
Tuition for May is due tomorrow and late by the tenth. May is your last month
of tuition. there will be no classes after June 2nd.
PLEASE ~ if you have not paid for April take care of it today
I will be in the studio from 10-1p and 3:30 - 6p
Performance information~
Tuesday May 29th at BHS Dress Rehearsal for Alice
Friday June 1st Variety Show Performance
Sat June 2nd 1pm Matinee and 6p performance Alice
** More info to follow soon ~ there will be a 2nd Variety show performance
still waiting on Burroughs to see when our Variety show
dress rehearsal will be..
** A formal info sheet will be out within the next week and 1/2
We are offering personal ads in the program again
$5 without pic and $10 with a pic...
Anyone that would like to advertise their business
we can also offer an ad for that there will be a different price for
different sizes....
Tickets will be out soon and we are working on a T-shirt...
the show will be recorded.
Feel free to email me with any questions....
Thank you for all your hard work and support this year
I know the shows will be amazing!
Have a great day
Miss Helene